Tips and Tricks for Nokia E70

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Here is a couple of things I find useful when playin with Nokia E70 phone. You can also find some useful applications collected on this page.

Most of the information collected on this page was picked up in various forums on the web. I decided to collect it on one place so that I can access it easily next time I have to reset my phone :-). Welcome to the wonderful world of smart phones.

Useful commands

  • Phone reset: power off the phone, hold # + 3 + CALL and power on the phone
  • Display wi-fi MAC addresss: enter *#62209526#
  • Display Bluetooth MAC address: enter *#2820#
  • Display Firmware version: enter *#0000#
  • Swith between running applications: Hold the menu key down for a while and the list of running applications will appear
  • Go back to stand by page: Pres the menu button twice
  • When you install 3rd party applications you might want to disable integrity checking, go to Menu->Tools->App. Mgr.->Options->Settings and set "Software Installation" to all.
  • You can install link to you favorite application into one of the 5 positions in the stand by screen (the one displayed by default). Go to:
    Menu->Tools->Settings->Phone->Standby Mode->Active standby app. and pick your applications from the drop down menu.


Unfortunately the OS in the phone is not very stable and you can get into state where something does not work as it should and you do not know why. The best way out of such situations is reset to factory defaults.

You might want to consider backing up the phone memory to the mini SD card before you reset it. This will preserve all your data and contacts. To backup the memory go to:
Menu->Tools->Memory->Options->Backup phone mem.

Don't forget to remove the memory card before you reset the phone


Download and install CA certificate. That way you can access all servers using HTTPS without warnings.

Instant Messaging

You can use IM+ as Jabber/ICQ/AIM/MSN client. This is a trial version, you need to register it if you plan to use it.


Install PuTTY. I also recommend to install the addional fonts which you can find in the same directory.The display of E70 has high resolution and the original PuTTY fonts are hard to read.


Make sure you have bluetooth, bluez-pin, and bluez-utils Debian packages installed and that your bluetooth interface is working in Linux.

To test whether you can reach your phone you can use:

l2ping 00:a2:d1:a2:dd:66 
(use the real mac address of your phone. You can find out mac address of your phone if you type *#2820# on the phone.

Use obexftp tool to transfer files between your phone and computer:

obexftp -b 00:12:d1:a2:dd:66 -p  


  • The phone says "Web: already in use" although the web browser is not running.

    This sometimes happen when the web browser crashes. Backup your memory and reset the phone to factory defaults.

  • E-mail client stucks while dowloading message headers from IMAP server at

    It does not work for me either (or sporadically). I suspect that the tools is not able to handle SSL/TLS properly. I use webmail instead.

Configuring SIP User Agent for

Go to: Tools->Settings->Connection->Access points and enter AP info (WiFI or GPRS). You can configure a group of equivalent APs, but you will not be able to use that from the SIP profile , unfortunately.

Create a sip profile in SIP settings.

  • Set Profile name to iptel
  • Set Service profile to IETFi
  • Select correct default access point
  • Set Public user name to where xxx is your username
  • Disable use of compression (sigcomp is not yet deployed at
  • Set Registration to yes.
  • Set Use security to NO
  • Proxy server - no change
  • Registrar:
    • Registrar server address:
    • Realm:
    • User name: xxx
    • Password: yyy
    • Transport type: UDP
    • Port: 5060
If you have more APs (like me wifi at work and wifi at home), copy the profile and change just the AP there (as far as I know each AP could have different proxy settings). I did not test the switch over, but I expect it should work this way.

Create a new profile in Internet Telephone settings.

  • Name: iptel
  • SIP profiles: add profile(s) you have created.

You should see two icons in the status bar (near the battery indicator), one consisting of 4 small squares (representing the WiFi AP connection) and second one showing handset and the globe (in the small version it looks like GE logo). The most important settings are security (NO) and service profile (IETF). If you set security to on then it sends Require: sec-agree and does not accept digest authentication.

Keyboard Autolock

There is a small application that can lock the keyboard of the phone after some period of time. Homepage of the application is: You can install it in your phone from

Firmware Updates

The software for doing firmware updates on your own can be downloaded here:
Unfortunately this works only under Windows, you need the USB cable for it and it deletes everything on or from your phone (so make a backup first).

source :

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